From Human Zoos to Animal Zoos: Exploitation Remains the Same

Racism and Speciesism Sprout from the Same Ideological Derivatives

An ideology is a set of beliefs. From economic to political to religious, ideology has proved successful as a means to establishing an accepted hierarchy. Creating a ranking system opens positions for power and authority to govern, rule and dominate. Cue in the ‘isms’. Racism. Sexism. Ageism. Classism. Heterosexism. Speciesism. All of these ideologies work in favor of

From Ukraine to Lebanon

A Story of Fitting In

“… and then he didn’t pay me the money he owed me, $900 for over a month’s work. He said if I didn’t like it, I’m free to leave and work on my own. But I can’t work on my own, you know? Because people here look down on me for being Syrian, even though