Legal Report Summary – Atheists in Lebanon
ملخّص التقرير القانوني حول التمييز ضدّ الملحدين في لبنان

قراءة الملخّص بالعربيةRead the full Legal ReportWatch the video :لمشاهدة الفيديو Since its inception, the sectarian system of the Lebanese Republic has continually suppressed unrecognized sects with exceptional emphasis on atheists. In the aftermath of sectarian armed clashes and a bloody civil war, the Taif Agreement was reached in 1989. The agreement, which ended the civil war, reaffirmed

Why Secularism Should Be Interventionist

Some authors, such as Mayanthi Fernando, believe that there are two types of secularism: classical and new. I am mainly concerned with how these authors define the former. They say that it is “non-interventionist” or, at least, they contrast it with the latter which is “interventionist”. This is a view that I completely disagree with.

A Step Towards Gender Equality.

Apparently what unifies the clergy of major sects in Lebanon is the overzealous clench for power. For merely supporting civil marriage, one can be ostracized and be labelled as an apostate. The defense line for civil marriage supporters is that; the religious establishment have the monopoly to run our personal affairs by trying to block and threaten

A Statement Concerning The Mufti’s Latest Fatwa

Lebanon’s Grand Mufti has issued on Monday the 28th of January a fatwa whose sole aim is to decapitate one of the many marginalized rights the Lebanese citizens are missing. The fatwa came after the latest tactic the civil society adopted which included two couples attempting to register the first civil marriage on Lebanese soil