Fighting Radical Islam by Combating Radical Christianity

What is the best way for Westerners to combat radical Islam? It may be by combating Islam’s greatest historical opponent: radical Christianity. I described this thesis to Richard Dawkins after meeting him at a prominent skeptical conference last year, and he invited me to write this article. Since the First Gulf War (1990), Islam has

Don’t Buy the Ruse of Saudi ‘Reform’

لا تنخدع بكذبة 'الإصلاح' السعودي

(الترجمة العربية في أدنى الصفحة)

If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. But if you put oil in a corrupt monarchy that exports violent, sexist and homophobic ideologies to the world, it becomes a close ally of the “free world.”

A Statement Concerning The Mufti’s Latest Fatwa

Lebanon’s Grand Mufti has issued on Monday the 28th of January a fatwa whose sole aim is to decapitate one of the many marginalized rights the Lebanese citizens are missing. The fatwa came after the latest tactic the civil society adopted which included two couples attempting to register the first civil marriage on Lebanese soil