Media Analysis Summary – Atheists in Lebanon
ملخّص تحليل التغطية الإعلاميّة – التمييز ضدّ الملحدين في الإعلام المرئي اللبنانيّ

قراءة الملخّص بالعربيةRead the full Media AnalysisWatch the video :لمشاهدة الفيديو IntroductionTV representation of atheism in Lebanon has been lackluster at best. While the constitution protects freedom of belief, atheism is highly stigmatized, a reality further fortified by how media outlets cover the topic.While the internet might have slowly taken over the TV around the

Legal Report Summary – Atheists in Lebanon
ملخّص التقرير القانوني حول التمييز ضدّ الملحدين في لبنان

قراءة الملخّص بالعربيةRead the full Legal ReportWatch the video :لمشاهدة الفيديو Since its inception, the sectarian system of the Lebanese Republic has continually suppressed unrecognized sects with exceptional emphasis on atheists. In the aftermath of sectarian armed clashes and a bloody civil war, the Taif Agreement was reached in 1989. The agreement, which ended the civil war, reaffirmed