Celebrating Dissent 2022

Celebrating Dissent 2022

Organized by Freethought Lebanon and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain, Celebrating Dissent 2022 was held in Cologne, Germany on August 20 and 21, with the participation of more than 50 speakers and artists from more than 30 countries.

Freethought Lebanon on Facebook

Freethought Lebanon on Facebook

Freethought Lebanon launched the Facebook page in English. Follow us on social media:
Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Atheists in Lebanon

Atheists in Lebanon

Human Rights Violations Report (2021)

Media Analysis Summary – Atheists in Lebanon
ملخّص تحليل التغطية الإعلاميّة – التمييز ضدّ الملحدين في الإعلام المرئي اللبنانيّ

قراءة الملخّص بالعربيةRead the full Media AnalysisWatch the video :لمشاهدة الفيديو IntroductionTV representation of atheism in Lebanon has been lackluster at best. While the constitution protects freedom of belief, atheism is highly stigmatized, a reality further fortified by how media outlets cover the topic.While the internet might have slowly taken over the TV around the

Legal Report Summary – Atheists in Lebanon
ملخّص التقرير القانوني حول التمييز ضدّ الملحدين في لبنان

قراءة الملخّص بالعربيةRead the full Legal ReportWatch the video :لمشاهدة الفيديو Since its inception, the sectarian system of the Lebanese Republic has continually suppressed unrecognized sects with exceptional emphasis on atheists. In the aftermath of sectarian armed clashes and a bloody civil war, the Taif Agreement was reached in 1989. The agreement, which ended the civil war, reaffirmed