Four Reasons Why the ‘Me Too’ Campaign Makes Me Cringe

An Unpopular Opinion

Few weeks ago, a big shot producer got outed for sexually harassing and assaulting a lot of women; doing what we do best when we come across such scandals, we got outraged—again. In reply, actress Alyssa Milano launched the hashtag #MeToo, giving victims a platform to share their experiences and speak out against sexual harassment and

A 21st Century Prolongation of Orientalism and Media Bias

Western Depictions of an Uncivil Arab Civilization Succeeds at Creating Prejudice and Division

Co-authored by Ziad M. Kurdi Orientalism, as described by Edward Said, is a manner of depiction that exaggerates and distorts differences of Arab peoples and cultures when compared to that of Europe and the U.S. According to Said, Orientalism dates back to the 19th century during the European Enlightenment and served as the rationale for

Did you know the Olympic Torch relay was invented in its modern form by the Nazis?

It was planned with immense care by the Nazi leadership to project the image of the Third Reich as a modern, economically dynamic state with growing international influence. The organiser of the 1936 Olympics, Carl Diem, wanted an event linking the modern Olympics to the ancient. The idea chimed perfectly with the Nazi belief that