You Can’t Touch Me

Normalization of Sexual Harassment Leads to Bigger Dangers

You can’t touch me on the streets. You can’t touch me in the club. You can’t touch me ever without my consent. Over the weekend, I paid Input, my favorite club in Barcelona, a visit. Not to my surprise, the music was amazing; and not to my surprise, I was touched inappropriately several times. Be

A 21st Century Prolongation of Orientalism and Media Bias

Western Depictions of an Uncivil Arab Civilization Succeeds at Creating Prejudice and Division

Co-authored by Ziad M. Kurdi Orientalism, as described by Edward Said, is a manner of depiction that exaggerates and distorts differences of Arab peoples and cultures when compared to that of Europe and the U.S. According to Said, Orientalism dates back to the 19th century during the European Enlightenment and served as the rationale for

‘I’m Not Ashamed’.. Maybe You Should Be

An Ethical Critique of Faith-Based Cinema

Cinema and films have been an agent for artistic expression developed diligently throughout the years. They are an extension of society where the needs to create and communicate manifest themselves in hour-long productions. However, a troubling agenda transpires when films intentionally misrepresent reality in order to spread a specific narrative. Such is the dilemma we